cloak of protection

The mantle of protection

An invocation to the Archangel Michael for our protection and our loved ones

The cloak of protection of the Archangel Michael is a prayer that, like that of the“parking Angel”, helps in daily life.

Everyday puts a strain on her every day with moments of tension, fears, embarrassing situations and dangers.

Those who have experimented with conviction the invocation of the parking Angel, has certainly noted that the Angels never abandon people.

The Archangel Michael is in defense of the human being, so we must invoke him every morning, asking for protection and invisibility with conviction and devotion.

This invocation is for us, for our loved ones, our home, our car and also for our animals.

Invocation of the cloak of protection

“In the name of the Divine, I invoke the Invisibility cloak of the Archangel Michael

for protection against all and all ills.

Archangel Michael and Legions of Light:

cover with the Holy Mantle of Protection,

(mention your name, that of your relatives and loved ones)

and (where you want most: car, house, animals, etc.)

That the Holy  cloak of Protection,

makes us invisible to everything and to any evil,

at all times, in all levels and in all dimensions.

I invoke the Invisibility cloak to remain

active all day and all night

as we manifest God on Earth.

Amen, Amen, Amen and Amen! “

@DrTraverso   titolare del  Copyright 2018


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